Alterations Price List


Taper (Narrow leg)  & Hem Together starts $40+5%tax ~ 

裾上げと裾幅のお直しセットで $40+5%税 ~


Jacket plastic snaps 1 pair $10, 2 pairs $15 
Jacket metal snaps 1 pair $15, 2 pairs $25
★Corset Back starts $150 ~ + tax 
(I recommend changing from zipper to corset back when the dress is tight.)
★French Butsle starts $80 ~ + tax
★American Butsle starts $40~ + tax
I have limited space in my store, if clothing is not picked up in 3 month, I will donate to the charity.
If you will be away on vacation and unable to pick up, please contact me to arrange payment in advance. I will donate to the charity if the payment is not received in 3 month.